About this Blog

I am a stay at home mommy to two cuties, Joseph and Blake. I am a wife to a wonderful and understanding husband, Jim. I babysit for a baby, E. I am constantly coming up with hair-brain ideas of how I can start my own business. I love trying to come up with ways to use my talents to make a living. Hopefully you will be with me when I find my big break! I also love shopping and finding cute and cool gifts, but even more than that I love a bargain!
I want this blog to be a go to place for parents, entrepreneurs, and savvy shoppers. Anytime I post a blog I will try to back it up with an article or reference if it applies. I don't want the reader to think that I am just writing stuff, just to write, I am very science oriented so like to "prove" my point when I make one. I hope that you find sound advice that entertains you along the way.  Now, since I am a stay at home mommy, this blog is constantly going to be a work in progress, especially as I start it. It is going to take quite awhile to get it to where I want it to be. Therefore, just because I post something, does not necessarily mean that I'm done with it.  So check back often to get more out of each post. Also, if you find you are wanting some information about a particular topic that I may have skimmed over, please let me know, and I will try to find out more information about it. I am always on the quest for knowledge, I would be a full-time student if it paid the bills. :)

My categories:
Poop Explosion - The good, the bad and the messy! A look at all parts of being mommy and nanny.
Life with Boys - Two boys, one husband, how a girly mom copes with football and trains.
Quitting my Day Job - Quitting my job and becoming a stay-at-home mommy and babysitter was a difficult decision for me. I enjoy working and but I wanted to be there for my kids and we could do it with some sacrifices.  However, that means more time for me to come up with what I want to do as a job, and I have tons of ideas.
In the Kitchen - While no professional, I try my hand at making easy to fix dishes. Here I will give you my secrets to not quite homemade dishes.
Bargain Jungle - I absolutely LOVE bargain shopping, and now that we have no money because I stay home, my wonderful talent has come into use. Find out what deals I'm getting and where.
Money Sense - Get my views on how to survive on a teacher's and babysitter's salary.
Momformation - information I have learned about being a mom. I know that I don't know everything, especially about being a mom, so I do what I can to find out what to do. Here is information I have learned/found/researched. So this is for the other parents out there that can admit they don't know it all.

Events in and around Columbus - Be sure to check the bottom of this blog for an event calendar for Columbus, Ohio and surrounding areas.  I have included events for families, women, and couples. Please let me know if you know of an event I can add!

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