Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blake's first day

Blake had his first day if preschool today and he was super excited. Although I think most if the excitement came from him getting to wear his new (2nd) pair of construction shoes. He outgrew his old ones and miraculously we found another pair at an outlet store. He went right in like he owned the place. He returned to the same classroom and teacher so he knew the drill. They let the parents come in the classroom so he was used to saying goodbye at the door. He put his book bag in his old cubby so we had to find his new one and then he took his things out of his book bag, put them in the basket and hugged Joseph and I goodbye. None of the other parents had left yet so we helped him find his seat. He was a little confused that he needed to sit in a new seat but found his picture sat down and kissed us goodbye. I was so proud of him!!!!

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